Andrea Menzo

Andrea Menzo

Andrea Menzo was born in Udine, June 19, 1967. He graduated in architecture at the Politecnico di Milano on 13 -07-1992 with a thesis in industrial design with the Mandarina Duck Prize, prof. Arch. Dall'Acqua Bellavitis. Qualified as Architect in Italy at the Faculty of Architecture of Florence since 1994. Member of the Order of Architects of the Province of Udine with # 1065 from 02.22.1996 Enlisted in Inarcassa with # 613183 since 1996. Enlisted in the National Fire Department qualified professional list with # UD01065A00169 from 2010.

After a brief experience in Japan and in Florence I was a founding member of an associate architectural office in Udine, where I gained extensive professional experience. Recently I founded in Udine my independent architectural practice, developing residential and commercial architecture with particular attention to green buildings, interior architecture and product design. I collaborate with a team of professionals whose skills range from structural design to electrical and HVAC systems design, acoustic and environmental design.

(c) 2011-2022 Andrea Menzo architect Udine - all rights reserved - V.A.T. # 02665960304